The Dimensional Breathwork Practitioner Method™ (DBPM)
The DBPM is conducted on a one to one basis after the individual has left the breathwork group setting and can target more specific emotional and psychosomatic problems. It consists of the following six phases and is continuously guided by the individual’s inner healing intelligence and supported by the DB practitioner:
I- Pre-talk and preparation.
II- Dimensional Breathwork™ (DB), Age Regression (AR) and the Intuitive
Potentiation and Energetic Conditioning (I.P.E.C) method.
III- DB , AR , Forgiveness of Others (F.O.O) , Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and I.P.E.C.
IV- DB , AR , Forgiveness of Self (F.O.S), EMDR and I.P.E.C.
V- DB, AR , EMDR , and I.P.E.C.
VI- EMDR and I.P.E.C of all parts.
These six phases are not sessions, meaning that a phase could take one or more sessions to fully satisfy the structure of the therapeutic process of preparation, session and integration of all the conscious and unconscious material being processed.
These phases are not necessarily in a particular order as the practitioner intuitively deals with whatever emerges in the sessions and may “scramble” the phases as deemed necessary.
The student interested in becoming a Dimensional Breathwork Practitioner ™ must take the twenty-hour module within a retreat setting and show competency in the six phases shown above.
An apprenticeship program is also set up for the student who is willing to gain more practical “hands-on experience” in the application of the DBPM™.
This apprenticeship involves group Dimensional Breathworks where the apprentice utilizes these phases at the sole request of the “Breather” ( under the supervision of a Dimensional Awareness Facilitator and only after the “Breather” has left the breathwork group setting. )
The Dimensional Breathwork Meditation ™ (DBM)
The DBM™ is a guided meditation you can use to connect with your Higher Self and Inner Child in order to re-member who you really are and heal through the power of Presence.
This meditation is recommended for all those willing to become more Focused, Fearless & Aware.
Note: You may choose the length of this meditation which varies from 1 hour to 7 hours straight in a row.
The Dimensional Awareness Process™ (DAP)
The DAP consists of a minimum of one Dimensional Breathwork ™ (DB), a module (see list below), a grounding meditation and sharing and a self-integration process called the I.P.E.C.
The DAP can be conducted as a workshop or as a retreat which can vary in length from a weekend to six days depending on the number of DBs per individual. We offer these retreats/workshops to the general public which are designed both for those wishing to become certified Dimensional Breathwork Facilitators and for people just interested in the experience and the special topics listed below.
The DAP is particularly valuable for professionals such as therapists and health care providers, as well as for spiritual and self-improvement seekers.
The certification for the Dimensional Awareness Facilitator Program consists of seven, twenty-hour modules picked from the twelve topics listed below of which four are mandatory.
List of modules :
1- Basic Bodywork and Breathwork (Mandatory).
2- Modern Shamanism.
3- Playing the Cosmic Game.
4- Music and Dimensions (Mandatory).
5- Psycho-Spiritual Crises (Mandatory).
6- Living Heart Consciousness.
7- The Dimensional Awareness Facilitator.
8- The Psychedelic Experience.
9- Leadership, Awareness and Personal Transformation.
10- Letting Go and balancing the Ego.
11- How to Forgive to live.
12- The Dimensional Breathwork Practitioner Method (Mandatory).
In addition to these modules, twenty-four Dimensional Breathworks (DBs) are required over a minimum of two years and not any sooner as there is no rush or maximum time to complete the training.
The certification program also includes fifteen personal one-hour consultations with a certified facilitator, twelve apprenticeships during DBs and a closing ten-day intensive training and ceremony.
The practice of Dimensional Breathwork™ and the Dimensional Breathwork Practitioner Method™ require commitment and dedication to inner work, to the love of learning and exploring one’s own psyche and demand high ethics which are demonstrated daily through the Leader’s Circle of 7 Agreements™ . It would be grossly inappropriate to use these methods without completing the certification training program. Furthermore, only the persons certified through Southern Mystics Transpersonal Training have permission to call the work they do, “Dimensional Breathwork™” and/or the “Dimensional Breathwork Practitioner Method™.”
This said, I encourage you to join the International Dimensional Breathwork movement as a partner and/or as a participant.
In the hopes of meeting you on your personal journey and in